COVID-19 Safety Procedures and Policies

As of 7-9-2022

Main Stage Dance will continue to update their Safety Procedures and Policies to coincide with the COVID-19 mandates from the State of Michigan. Our studio is taking every precaution and adhering to current state policies and laws. As the COVID-19 landscape changes, so too will our policies.

In the event the studio must be closed due to mandatory state shut down, all classes will be held via Zoom until the state reopens our phase of businesses. Refunds will not be issued for classes being taught via Zoom.

Cleaning our studio:

·   Floors are wiped with disinfectant after every class that changes students and at the end of every day.

·   The bathroom will be disinfected every hour.

·   The cubbies will be sprayed with disinfectant after every class.

·   Barres will be disinfected after every class.

·   Trash will be dispensed at the end of every day.


Keeping everyone safe:

 • Parents, before bringing your child to dance class please consider if your child or anyone in your household has the following symptoms: fever, chills, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, loss of taste or smell, cough, shortness of breath, muscle/body aches or sore throat. If yes, please stay home.

• If anyone in your household has come in close contact with a confirmed or probable COVID-19 case, please stay home.

• Wearing a mask inside the studio will be optional for everyone.

• We are still trying to minimize the amount of people in the studio so please consider limiting who comes in with your dancer. We will continue to have supervised dismissal out the back door after every class, should you decide to pick up your child from the door.

• Hand sanitizer is available in every room for dancers and teachers.

• COVID-19 safety signs will be posted at every entrance, exit and throughout the studio.

• Doors will be open for air flow, when weather permits.

• Water bottles are to be labeled and stored in dance bag.

A typical day at the dance studio:

1.     Please arrive 5-10 minutes before class, enter from the back door.

2.     Dancers will wait in the hallway or front waiting area for class to begin, they can remove their cover up and change into their dance shoes. Dancers must remain in these areas until the teacher calls students into the dance room.

3.     Each student will be given hand sanitizer before entering the dance room.

4.     Students will place their dance bag in a cubby inside of the dance room. 

5.     The teacher will then assign a student to a spot at the barre or center floor that is adequate for dancing.

6.     Let’s Dance!!!!

7.     The teacher will excuse students 5 minutes early for proper cleaning and departure.

8.     Students will receive hand sanitizer upon leaving the classroom.

9.     Students will be escorted and exited through the back doors of the studio.

10.  Parents please be prompt when picking up your child.